A CRISPR Bite: How gene-editing technology is changing our food
CRISPR gene-editing technology came out as a massive biotech breakthrough in the last decade, but most people have still never heard of it. In this five-part series, food anthropologist Dr. Lauren Crossland-Marr takes listeners into the labs where researchers are tinkering with food genes, to help break down the problems they’re hoping to solve – and what’s at stake.
A CRISPR Bite: How gene-editing technology is changing our food
Outside/In: Dinner reservations
Corinne Ruff, GEAP3 Network, Lauren Crossland-Marr
Season 1
Some folks promote local food. Others swear by veganism. But what is the most environmentally-friendly diet? And does it really matter what we eat? Or are there bigger fish to fry when it comes to climate activism?
Enjoy this bonus episode from our friends at the Outside/In podcast from New Hampshire Public Radio. And be sure to follow their show for more great episodes.
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