A CRISPR Bite: How gene-editing technology is changing our food
A CRISPR Bite: How gene-editing technology is changing our food
The First Bite
CRISPR gene-editing technology is making many advances in the medical world, but you’re more likely to first encounter CRISPR on your plate. In this episode, we walk you through how CRISPR works, its opportunities and why some people worry that the risks may outweigh the potential benefits.
- Sonja Lindberg, PhD Candidate, Department of Sociology, Iowa State University
- Link to her co-authored article published in February 2023: “Gene-Edited Food Adoption Intentions and Institutional Trust in the United States: Benefits, Acceptance, and Labeling” in
Rural Sociology
- Link to her co-authored article published in February 2023: “Gene-Edited Food Adoption Intentions and Institutional Trust in the United States: Benefits, Acceptance, and Labeling” in
- Dr. Michael Antoniou, Reader in Molecular Genetics, King’s College, London
- Claire Robinson, Editor, GM Watch
A CRISPR Bite is supported by the Jean Monnet Network, which is funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union through the GEAP-3 Network of scientists. More on our project here. This podcast does not reflect the views of our funders.
This podcast was co-written and hosted by Dr. Lauren Crossland-Marr. Our executive producer is Corinne Ruff. She co-wrote, edited and produced the show. Jake Harper edited this episode. The show was sound designed and engineered by Adriene Lilly. Aaron Crossland made our theme music. Rachael Marr designed our logo. Legal support from New Media Rights.
Thank you to the GEAP-3 team! Special thanks to Matthew Schnurr, Klara Fischer, and Glenn Stone for their support and advice on this podcast.
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